My Crohn's in 2012

Hi everyone I hope you have all a great day, today's blog post is going to be a review of my Crohn's in 2012. If you remember I did one of these blog post's for 2011 so I thought I would do it for 2012 as well. 

So 2012 was even better than 2011, my Crohn's has been quite settled and I haven't had too many problems with my stomach and my oesophagus is also better than last year. 

In 2011 my stricture would always become so narrow that I spent half of the year bringing up horrible thick saliva but in 2012 I only spend about 8 weeks of the year bringing up the stuff and since I had a dilation in October my oeosphagus has been staying open for 3 and 1/2 weeks instead of 2. 

My bowels did start playing up a bit in 2012 but the problems always seem to happen when I started eating. I think the reason why my stomach would start to play up was my bowels became so use to the liquid feed that when I started eating it would irritate them, but normally after a few day's of eating my bowels would settle down. 

In 2012 I acheived one of my biggest goals to date and that was to go on a plane. Now a lot of people would think that isn't really a big thing but I haven't been on a plane since I was 18 and that was nearly 7 years ago. Since all my health problems started flaring up 6 years ago I never felt confident enough to go on a plane. I was always scared that my illestomy would leak, that my dressing would leak or I would have to bring up a lot of saliva but in 2012 I finally felt confident enough and it went without a hitch.

So that was my 2012. I would really like to know how your crohn's or colitis was in 2012, was it a good year or a bad year? Thank you for reading.


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