Crohn's Quine Diary entries: 21st -27th January 2013
Hi everyone, I hope you are all had a very healthy weekend. As it is the beginning of a new week, it's time to post last week diary entries. If you would like to see my diary entry's as soon as post them, then follow my tumblr page Crohn's Quine Diary.
Monday 21st January
So since my last diary entry things have been really bad to the point that I thought I was losing my mind.
So I really wish that I could say things have improved since Monday but they really haven’t change any, everyday is a struggle at the moment and it is really hard to keep carrying on. I know a lot of the things that I am feeling are due to the steroids and lack of sleep but it doesn’t make it any easier.
Sunday 27th January
What a difference a few day’s make. I finally managed to get a decent’s night sleep on Friday and ever since then I have been feeling so much better, I have actually been feeling happy again and I feel more like my old self.
Monday 21st January
So since my last diary entry things have been really bad to the point that I thought I was losing my mind.
As you all know if you read my last entry, I started taking steroids last Wednesday and in evening I started to feel depressed but them over the next few days I became so severely depressed and my head was spinning, I think the best way to describe it is manic depression. I have taken steroids many times since I was diagnosed with Crohn’s 13 years ago but I honestly say that I never ever felt like that before. The only difference this time round is I am taking antidepressants and I have never taken them before when I have been on steroids so I am starting to wonder if the two medication’s are interacting with each other.
Now onto to the good thing that has happened in my life, I am still able to eat solid food!!!!!! It is four weeks past Friday since I had my last oeosphageal dilation and I cannot believe it has stayed open for so long, I can honestly not remember the last time I was able to four weeks.
Friday 25th January
So I really wish that I could say things have improved since Monday but they really haven’t change any, everyday is a struggle at the moment and it is really hard to keep carrying on. I know a lot of the things that I am feeling are due to the steroids and lack of sleep but it doesn’t make it any easier.
I think the reason why I am finding it so hard is because finally after 3 years my oesophageal stricture has improved and I was really looking forward to the day that it would become better because it meant that I would be able to get my life back to some normality but now that I have this flare up in my bowel it means that I am back to square one again and goodness knows how long it is going to take to settle down again.
Sunday 27th January
What a difference a few day’s make. I finally managed to get a decent’s night sleep on Friday and ever since then I have been feeling so much better, I have actually been feeling happy again and I feel more like my old self.
So this time next week I will have reached the grand old age of 25, lol. I seriously cannot believe that I am going to be half way through my 20’s I still feel like a teenager at heart. I am really hoping that next weekend I will still be able to eat because I would really like to have a piece of birthday cake this year.
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