IBD IN THE NEWS: Junk food causes Crohn's!

Hello fellow IBD Warrior's I hope your Crohn's or Colitis is not misbehaving it's self to much today.  

So this afternoon the IBD community in the UK became very upset or should I say enraged by a news story. BBC Newsbeat posted a story on Crohn's Disease, (link to the story - Huge increase in Crohn's Disease hospital admissions) they also interviewed an actual Crohn's suffer which was great but there is one major problem with this article and that is the comments made by Dr Sally Mitton. 

"We know that there are many genes that predispose someone to get Crohn's disease. But we also know that lifestyle factors like eating a lot of junk food or taking many courses of antibiotics may make it more likely to happen."

The way the comments are worded in the story makes it sound like it's the suffer's fault or even the parents fault, it was hard enough already trying to explain to non Crohn's suffer's that a change of diet will not cure Crohn's disease. I have tried every single diet going, I have stopped eating certain foods, stopped drinking certain drinks i.e alcohol and caffeine but nothing made a difference but how can you expect a change in diet to work when the medication that is designed to treat Crohn's does nothing. 

When I was a kid my mother never fed me junk food, I was diagnosed with Crohn's at age 11 after having an illness called Henoch-Schönlein purpura. HSP is a very rare illness that causes blood vessels to become inflamed it causes the patient to develop a skin rash, pain in the joints, it also affects the blood vessels in the bowel and the kidneys. I honestly believe and some doctor's also believe that the HSP was what caused me to develop Crohn's. 

The one fact we do know about Crohn's and even Colitis is, it is an autoimmune illness and autoimmune illness is caused by the immune system attacking itself. 

That is it for today's blog post and I am sorry if it seems a bit all over the place but I was just writing the first things that came into my head. Until my next post remember to.....

Keep Strong, Keep Fighting


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