Little Updates: August 2012

Hi everyone I hope you have all had a great month. August has been another up and down month for me, my swallowing has been coming and going and sometimes I have been able to eat Wotsits (a type of a snack) and drink but other times I have not been able to do either. This month I have been trying to adjust to the fact that my oesophageal stricture will never get any better and it has been pretty difficult because everytime I saw anybody eat something I got really mad because they were able to eat and I wasn't.

Last month I decided to go back to my GP to see if  I could get a different antidepressant because I felt my depression was becoming worse and I really wanted to get it sorted before it got any worse, because I never want to go back to that dark place I was in a few years ago. So what my GP did was increase the dose of my citalopram from 20mg to 40mg and told me to come back and see her in 6 weeks.

So at the end of the month I went to see my dentist because I had broke one of my molars and when I was there he said my teeth were in really bad condition and he aked me what I had been eating and drinking. I said to him that I hadn't been eating anything but that I had been drinking Lucozade and he said that was what was causing all the problems. Now I know sugar is not good for your teeth but what are you suppose do if you are unable to eat and you need to get extra calories into your diet?


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