Crohn's Quine Diary entries: 18th - 24th June

Hi everyone I hope you all had a great weekend. This post is my diary entry's from the 18th-24th June. If you would like to see my diary entry's as soon as post them, then follow my tumblr page.

19th June 2012

Dear Diary

What a stressful day it has been. I woke up 3.40am and couldn’t get back to sleep and then Snowball had a bowel accident and she made a mess on the floor. So we took her to the vet and the vet said she has a food intolerance and will have to have a special diet.

Today I am grateful for…
  • Snowball's health problems weren’t that serious
  • Being able to drink
  • Having a supportive family

20th June 2012

Dear Diary

Today has been a pretty shit day, I have felt so hungry today but because my oesophageal stricture has come back I cannot eat again, there is nothing worse than feeling hungry all the time.

Snowball is much better today so that is the positive thing that has happened today, the only thing is she doesn’t seem to like her new diet.

Today I am grateful for….
  • Having a supportive family
  • Being able to drink
  • Having a goodnights sleep

21st June 2012

Dear Diary

Today has not been that great a day, I have been feeling depressed and stressed and I am back to not being able to sleep again.

I really don’t know what else to write about so I think I am going to go to bed and try and get some sleep.

22nd June 2012

Dear Diary

I having been finding it really tough this week and everyday just seems to get harder. I am unable to eat or drink and my weight is starting to drop.

My sleep pattern is once again fucked up, at the moment I not falling asleep until 4am. I have just got to hope that tommorow is a better day.


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