Crohn's Quine Diary roundup: 1st - 5th January 2014

Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a great Wednesday. This week's Crohn's Quine Diary roundup is a bit late but better late then never, right. Iyou would like to see my diary entries as soon as I post them then follow my Crohn's Quine diary.

Wednesday 1st January 2014
Well my New Year has been very quiet one as I don't get the of the whole New Year thing, honestly I  think is one of the most overrated holiday's. Everybody is like New Year, new start but it has never been like that for me I go to bed sick on new year's eve and wake up sick on New Year's day, also I have a lot of upcoming hospital treatment this year which I am not exactly looking forward too.

Thursday 2nd January 2014
Only 5 more days until I start hurmia and it can't come soon enough because I am so sick of feeling rubbish every single day. I would be lying if I didn't say I was really nervous or maybe scared is a better word to use as all previous medication failed to touch my Crohn's. I am so scared that the same thing is going to happen with humria and then I am going to be left with no other medication option. Yes there is a new drug coming out called Vedolizumab but from what I have read about it, it is effective at treating Colitis but not so effective at treating with Crohn's.

Saturday 4th January 2013
So I have gone from not being able to sleep to sleeping all the time, I have given up on trying to understand how my body works. I have also started to have fever's which I really hope is Crohn's related because I don't want to have to delay the start of my humria treatment.

So today I got an early birthday present in the mail and I couldn't make up my weather I should open it or not because my birthday isn't until the 3rd of February, but the temptation was too much and I had to open it. So in my package was 2 pair of pj's and a hoodie from David and Goliath.

These are amazing birthday present's, I am such a lucky person.

That's it for today, remember to....

Keep Strong, Keep Fighting


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