Crohn's Quine Diary Roundup: 16th - 22nd September 2013

Hi everyone, I hope you all had an excellent weekend. It's Monday again so that means it's time for a Crohn's Quine Diary Roundup but if you would like to see my diary entry's as soon as post them, then follow my Crohn's Quine Diary blog.

Monday 16th September
Last night was an absolutely crap night I had bad burning pain in my oesophagus so I didn't get to sleep until 5am and because of that I slept until 3.30pm.

I may look happy on the outside but at the moment I am just fed up with everything and I am struggling to take an interest in anything, even the things that I love to do. I really wish they could do something with these strictures to stop it from coming back, I can easily live with the Crohn's in my bowel but having it in my oesophagus with the strictures makes life very difficult. I have just got to hope that one day they will be able to fix them someday.

Tuesday 17th September
So guess what.... that's right I didn't get to sleep until 6am this morning so that means all I have done today is sleep.

Today I finally made the decision about getting oesophageal dilation's done and I have decided to stop having them, well for the moment anyway. The reason why I have taken this decision is I think there is no point in putting my body through eveyrthing just for stricture's that are not going to stay open for a month. It is going to be really hard to adapt to a life with no food but I am sure I will learn, I have managed to learn how to live with Crohn's so why I can't I adapt to living without food.

Wednesday 18th September 
Today's diary is going to start like most others, I didn't get to sleep until 6am in the morning so I slept until 5.30pm this evening. This insomnia is really getting out of hand again, I think I am going to have to stay up all night and all day to try and get myself back into a good sleeping pattern because I cannot be like this for going to London.

So I slept on the decision I made yesterday not to have another oesophageal dilation and I still feel the same way today, now I just have to speak to my GI consultant about it and hope he agrees with my decision.

So after hunting for weeks for a new copy of the Kevyn Aucoin Making Faces book and not being find one, I decided to purchase a used from amazon. It's the first time that I have ever purchased something that is used from amazon, it said that it is was in very good condition but I am still a bit worried that it won't be as described. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Friday 19th September
So I didn't write a diary entry yesterday night because I tried to get an early night but it didn't quite work out as planned. I fell a sleep and 9.30pm and was wide awake by 2.30am, so as you can probably guess I slept from 12pm to 5.30pm this afternoon.

This week entries have been all about unhappy things so I think it is about time I speak about things that make me happy. I finally got my hands on the Kevyn Aucoin Making Faces book. 

I couldn't get my hands on a new copy here in the UK so I finally plucked up the courage to buy a used copy from amazon. I was pretty worried about what condition it was going to be in but it is such good condition that you wouldn't even know that it is used. 

This time next week I will have arrived at Gatwick airport, I seriously cannot wait for next week I always love being able to get away from the daily grind of problems. I know that getting away doesn't make your physical health problems go away but it really does help with the depression. 

Sunday 22nd September
So yesterday I may have forgot to write an entry but honestly nothing that interesting happened apart from I was able to eat a whole chicken pasta dish without choking myself, woohoo. My oesophagus is one strange thing because ever since I had the really bad pain I have been able to eat everything, granted it takes me longer to eat than a normal person and it does tend to stick but the main thing is it is going down.

Today has been an uneventful day, I have had a few gut issues but I think that is to do with adhesions and also because of the pain I have been sleeping for most of the day. Writing these daily diary entries shows just what a boring life I lead, I really have to start doing something more interesting with my days.


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