Where have I been

Hi everyone, I hope you had a great day and that you are all keeping well. So it has been a while since I last posted anything on here but I have been going through a few things. 

As some of you will probably know I was put back on prednisolone in January because it was thought that I was have a flare up in my small bowel, well when I was on the prednisolone it really affected my depression. At the end of last year I had made real progress with depression and anxiety but as soon as start the steroids I ended up going so far backwards to the point that I was shutting myself off from everyone. 

So because I was feeling so low and my anxiety issues were not getting any better I decided to make an appointment with my GP. When I went to my GP he said that there was nothing he could do about my depression because I was on the maximum does of antidepressant so he would have to refer me to psychologist. He was able to help with my anxiety though, he prescribed some tablets which I very glad to say are helping with my anxiety.

So everyone that is the reason why I haven't posted any blog posts recently. I am hoping that once I have seen the psychologist a few times that I will be feeling much less depressed, thank you so much for reading.


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