Crohn's Quine Diary Entries: 24 - 30th June 2013

Hi everyone, I hope you have all had an amazing weekend. Today's post is my Crohn's Quine diary entries from the 24-30th June 2013.  If you would like to see my diary entry's as soon as post them, then follow my tumblr page Crohn's Quine Diary.

Monday 24th June 2013
So I have found this evening very difficult, I was just so unbelievable hungry. It is so hard living with oesophageal stricture at times, all I can eat at the moment is cakes and cakes just do not fill you up. 

I have had this stricture for 5 years now and you think it would get easier but it doesn’t, when the hunger is so bad I just get so depressed and angry. I always think to myself with all the advances in medicine how can doctors not be able to fix this stricture and how can I have been left to live like this. I have no social life and no job because of stricture, I know I should be grateful for the life I have and don’t get me wrong I am grateful for the life I have but when I see other people going out and having a life I get very jealous. 
All I can do for the moment is keeping hoping that one day I will get this oesophageal stricture fixed.

Wednesday 26th June 2013
I didn’t write yesterday because I didn’t feel like I had much to write about.
Today I decided to take photographs for my blog but I didn’t manage to get them all taken. The only place I can take my photographs in my house is in the sun lounge because it is the only place that has decent lighting but the problem with taking them in there is in the summer the room is absolutely boiling, so it is just to hard to work.

I ordered a new SD card and canon remote for my camera today. I really hope this new SD card will allow me to record video’s because for some reason the one that I have now will not allow me, I really want to be able make video’s for my Crohn’s Quine YouTube channel.

Thursday 27th June 2013
So today I have been feeling depressed and the main reason for that is I got a letter from the hospital saying that my oesophageal dilation will not be done until the 26th July. It’s so hard to know that I won’t be able to eat for another, I actually don’t think I have had to wait so long to get a dilation they are normally done within couple of weeks of me phoning saying that I need one done. I still haven’t received a letter telling when I my GI clinic appointment is going to be either even though when I phoned last week they said the appointment is going to be within the next 4 weeks. If I am honest I am not fussed about the hospital appointment I hate I going to them. 

I ended up doing more shopping again today, I know I shouldn’t have but I just can’t help myself when I get a bad piece of news or get depressed I just have to do a bit of shopping to cheer myself up.

Saturday 29th June 2013
Today has been one of the worst days that I have had in a while. I had a full blown Crohn’s flare up and ended up passing 2 litres out of ileostomy, I can actually not understand how and why I passed so much because I had hardly anything to eat on Friday just a cake and ice cream, sometimes Crohn’s just does not make any sense.

Last night was rubbish too because the Crohn’s in my oesophagus also decided to flare up so that meant I was in a lot of pain. I really hope that tomorrow will be a much better day because these type of days are really hard to get through. 

Sunday 30th June 2013 
All I can say is last night was not a very good night at all. The chest pain was so bad I honestly cannot remember the last time it was that sore, the pain wasn’t just in my chest it spread up into my ears which does not make one bit of sense. 
So during the day my stomach was much better than it was yesterday and my stoma output has gone back to normal thankfully because if I have to many days like yesterday I would land in the hospital. 
Never mine about the bad stuff, it is now only 3 months until Paramore in London, I can’t wait. Planning something that you would really enjoy is so important when you have a chronic illness, it keeps you fighting and it gives you something to look forward too. 


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