Little Updates: July 2012

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Hi everyone I hope you are all having a brillant IBD free day. So July has been another up and down month. If you read my Tumblr page Crohn's Quine diary you will probably know that I have been suffering really badly from depression and insomia. The reason why I have been suffering so much this month is because last month I was told that there is nothing that can be done to fix my oesophageal stricture. I think I always knew that nothing could be done but when someone actually says the words then it is so much different.

In the middle of July I went to Glasgow for four days. It was the first time that I had managed to get away in over a year and when I came back I felt refreshed and relaxed but unfortunatly as soon as I came back I fell back into my bad depression and wouldn't go out of the house. I was planning to go to Turriff Show this weekend if the weather is okay so it will be the first time I have been out of the house since I came back.


  1. I hope you start to feel yourself soon.
    When I start to feel down about my illness or my mum (she died of ovarian cancer in 2004 & I'm still not over it) I try to think of all the things I'm grateful for. I don't know if this will work for you, but know that you're not alone & things will get better.


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