Restarting the blog

Hello there it's been a very long time since last posted on here for a number of reasons but now I am back and I have decided to start from the beginning as it has been a few years since I last posted on here.

For my first post I have decided to do an about me telling you all about my Crohn's and other chronic illnesses. I have many ideas for other blog posts but if there is something specific you would like me to write about then please leave a comment or send my a message on twitter.

Where to find me on internet..............

Sorry that today's post is a short one but I just wanted to do this quick post to tell you all that I am restarting the blog and as of this moment I do not have a schedule but I will let you know as soon as I set one up. 

Well that is it for today's post, take care everyone and until next time keep strong and keep fighting. 💜


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