Little Updates - January 2012
Hi everyone, how are you all keeping? Sorry about the lack of blog activity recently, January wasn’t exactly the best of months for me.
January got off to a good start I had my oesophageal stricture dilated and I was feeling great and I was at a healthy weight but yet again 2 weeks after I had the dilation I was unable to eat and was struggling to drink.
By the middle of January things started to become really bad again, I lost half a stone in weight and because I had to go back on PEG feeds I started to suffer from the usual side effects (upset stomach, sickness and extreme tiredness) but the worst thing that happened was my stricture became so narrow that even salvia wouldn’t go past the stricture and now I have to bring it up all the time which means I am housebound at the moment, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t have to wait too long for my next oesophageal dilation.
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